NYCNI Bursary Scheme

NYCNI offers bursaries to those students, who having received an offer to join our choirs, are unable to fund the course fees because of financial hardship. Access and inclusion is important to NYCNI and we want to be able to include as many of our successful auditionees as possible in our choirs. We wish to make it clear that these bursaries are not offered on artistic merit.

From 2025, all students will be able to apply to the bursary scheme, irrespective of which choir they have been offered membership. The NYCNI bursaries are a subsidy towards the fees, but will not pay any more than 50% of the full amount (this excludes concert folders and t-shirts).


How it works

Once the choir registration process is closed, students should email to request a ‘Bursary Application Form’.   Please return the completed form to the above email address, the application will be reviewed by the Bursaries Committee (this is a blind process) and the applicant will be notified as soon as possible with the outcome.


All applications remain confidential and will only be seen by the NYCNI Admin Officer for processing.